11 research outputs found

    Keluarga Sebagai Lembaga Pertama Pendidikan Islam

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    Family is the first educational institution for the children where the parents are becoming the first educator. The parents are in a nature fully responsible for their children, should educate their children toward optimal growth and development of nature. Errors in their children\u27s education would be fatal. The child may deviate from firsthand the potential of human kindness has turned into a low quality. Thus an important role, duties and responsibilities of parents, it is then to be understood thatheformal educational institutions and non-formal, organized by the government and society, and teachers or other education personnel is a successor of the parental role in fostering and developing their children. There are three parenting parents towards their children, parenting there are democratic, authoritarian, and permissive. The three parenting is regarded as a good way to educate is a democratic parenting style, but still maintaining the principles of universal and absolute values associated with religion, especially Islam.that is plurality.similiarity of right and egaliter Authoritarian patterns worth doing if it relates to the issue of faith and conviction and worship as well as things that are considered harmful to The child. While permissive pattern can also be applied to children aged adults

    Masa Depan Perguruan Tinggi Islam: Membangun Visi Kelembagaan Bereputasi Internasional

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    Tantangan dan problem mendasar pendidikan saat ini terletak pada aspek peningkatan mutu dan perbaikan kualitas di perguruan tinggi termasuk perguruan tinggi Islam. Sejumlah perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia mempunyai visi menjadi universitas kelas dunia. Menurut The Times Higher Education Supplement, beberapa perguruan tinggi Indonesia memang telah mencapai peringkat atas di antara ribuan kampus di seluruh dunia. Walau demikian, secara umum masih terdapat banyak hal yang perlu di perbaiki. Bukan sekadar untuk meningkatkan peringkat, namun lebih untuk meningkatkan kualitas perguruan tinggi Islam. Kualitas dalam hal apa? Tentunya kualitas dalam Tri Dharma: Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Namun untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam tiga hal tersebut, juga perlu meningkatkan mutu sarana dan prasarana, pengelolaan, dan pendanaan, serta kualitas para pelakunya, yakni para dosen dan tenaga pendukung, yang berdampak pada kualitas lulusannya. Jika saat ini yang masuk dalam rangking 100 perguruan tinggi terbaik di Asia adalah perguruan tinggi umum maka kapan perguruan tinggi Islam dapat bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi lain merupakan hal yang harus dijawab di masa datang. The fundamental problem faced by university institution, especially Islamic university is related to the aspect of improving its quality in education. Some exemplary universities in Indonesia have visions to be world class universities. The Times Higher Education Supplement reporting that some of universities in Indonesia have reached the level in between two hundreds among thousands of universities in the world. However, in general, they still need some efforts to improve not only their levels but their qualities as well. The intended improvement is in the domain of Tri Dharma (three obligations), covering education, research, and society service. To improve the quality of these domains, it should be supported by the quality of improvement of other aspects, such as structure and infrastructure, management, funding, lecturer, and staff. The availability of these components give positive effect toward the quality of the graduations. Nowadays the best universities that reach the level in between a hundred in Asia are those belong to public universities. The fact stimulates Islamic universities to compete to other universities. This is a case needed to be solved in the future

    Learning Organization: Strategy Dealing with the Complexity Changes in the State Islamic Higher Education (Ihe) Case Study at Iain Tulungagung and Stain Kediri, East Java-Indonesia

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    Changing status, both the changing institutional status of a college into the institute and the institute into a university, happening in the state Islamic Higher Education (PTAIN) in Indonesia now is being a new hope for the education quality improvement. Its implication requires the changes both in terms of mindset, paradigm, human resources, infrastructure and facilities, costs, as well as culture which needs a relatively long time if nothing is done to speed up the organization learning process. One of the ways how to speed up the organization learning process is through what so-called Learning Organization (LO). LO is characterized by a movement performed by all individuals in the organization to develop their personal capacity in order to improve their best performance. However, the efforts of developing the organization are often not supported by a manager who is able to translate the vision of the leadership. That is why, the idea of idealism is still becoming a lip service. It means that it has not become a structured and systematic action which actually can accelerate the development for the better organization if it is ultimately done. The biggest problem in conducting the LO is in term of mindset change and quality culture. The strength of the organization lies in the capability of the organization to learn fast. This research found out that the organization can learn because of the encouragement of the leaders and individual that are very critical to determine its success

    Quality Assurance System Between the Islamic State University and the State University

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    The purpose of this research is to compare the quality assurance system in the Islamic State University at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) of Malang and The State University at Technical Institute of Surabaya (Institut Teknik Surabaya/ITS). The findings concerning quality assurance system cover; the reasons for implementing the quality assurance, the core value of quality planning, the quality assurance of implementation, the quality assurance of evaluation, the supporting factor of the implementation of quality assurance, the quality assurance strategy, and the result of quality assurance. This study uses exploratory mixed method research design with the developmental model instrument. While the process of this research starts with collecting qualitative data, then the extreme finding is followed by collecting quantitative data, and the end of this process is interpreting data together. From the qualitative data, it can be concluded that there is a difference between quality assurance in UIN Malang and ITS. The quality assurance in the institution management (X), the academic aspect (Y), and customers\u27 satisfaction (Z) was significantly different (significantly) between UIN Malang and ITS. Customers\u27 satisfaction at UIN Malang is influenced by the quality of management and academic with a larger proportion than in ITS

    إستراتيجية التقييم الشامل في تعليم التربية الإسلامية الموجّه إلى إنشاء الشخصية الكاملة

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    [Teacher has a very heavy duty, but of the many duties of teachers, the assessment is the most difficult aspect. This happens not because of the weakness of teachers in evaluating learning outcomes in schools, because of the demands imposed on him, namely that learners must pass in learning, especially in the National Exam. This research is a kind of field research with qualitative approach to engineering design multisitus collecting data through interviews, participant observation and document study. The results of this study indicate that the strategy adopted in order to authentic assessment in the form private PAI holistic done through: (1) the transparency of the system in the initial assessment of learning; (2) the manufacture of diary; (3) specific code generation; (4) development of peer tutoring as an appraiser; (5) record makers "Anecdotes"; and (6) changes in the paradigm of teachers and parents. While the problems facing the PAI authentic assessment, namely: (1) the demands of the KKM, (2) the demands of school leaders and parents, (3) the demands of further education, (4) not achieving the standard of learning PAI on previous education, (5) has not been a real learning process, (6) lack of exemplary teachers, and (7) lack of time studying PAI in school]

    The Effect of Critical Thinking on Social Media Use, Tolerance, and Self-Assessment of Adolescents in Tulungagung, Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine and measure the influence of the effect of critical thinking on the use of social media, tolerance, and self-assessment of adolescents at school. Critical thinking has become a necessity for everyone in the era of the digitalization of technology. In dealing with the problems of adolescent life, critical thinking is one of the bases for taking action. Everyday teenagers are faced with very complex problems, such as addiction to the use of social media, lack of tolerance, and inaccurate self-assessment. Lack of literature that discusses the importance of critical thinking in dealing with these problems, researchers are interested in examining the effect of critical thinking on the use of social media, tolerance, and self-assessment of adolescents. This research was a quantitative method, by taking 206 adolescents aged 17-18 years as the research sample. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 25 software was used to conduct a one-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) to determine the difference in effect on the dependent variable showing that there is an effect of critical thinking on the use of social media, tolerance, and self-assessment of adolescents. A percentage of the influence of critical thinking on self-assessment is higher than the use of social media or tolerance. Critical thinking and self-assessment have a very close relationship, so they have a higher influence. It turns out that critical thinking has a major influence on adolescent self-assessment, which is followed by the use of social media and a tolerant attitude. This research is expected to reinforce the importance of critical thinking in adolescents at schools

    The Development of English for Beginner Through Pocketbook Media to Improve Student Learning Primary Results

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    Students' difficulty in understanding English language as a subject usually leads to poor learning outcomes. The problem is, however, observed to be getting worse due to the unavailability of suitable learning media for educators and students. This research was, therefore, conducted to develop an English for Beginner pocketbook media to improve student learning outcomes. Meanwhile, pocketbook media is an alternative packaging of information through the use of user efficiency elements. This research was developed based on the Borg & Gall model with the data collected using questionnaires, tests, and documentation and analyzed through Independent Sample T-test. The results showed the sig. (2-tailed) < sig. level (0,000 < 0.05), therefore, Ha was accepted while H0 was rejected. It was discovered that average students learning outcomes increased to 83,4 and learning completeness by 83.33% after receiving the treatment in the form of the English for Beginner pocketbook media. This shows this material is feasible to be implemented as a learning medium due to its effectiveness in improving the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students of MI Masaran 1 Trenggalek

    Management Curriculum Through the Semester Credit System (SKS) in the Competency Standards to Improve the Quality of Education

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    Credit semester system in SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung and MAN 1 Trenggalek based on the results of the interview with the head of school/madrasah which states that to provide services to students who have learning speed is high, the policy of the ministry of education that should pay attention to the potential of each student, the school/madrasah already accredited A reserves the right to determine the implementation is better that the package system and the credit system semester, as well as pay attention to the readiness of the school. The purpose of this study was to determine the planning, implementation and supervision of the Semester Credit System (SKS) in the competency standards to improve the quality of education at SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung and MAN 1 Trenggalek. This research is useful to add insight, mindset, attitude, and experience as an effort to explore the implementation of the curriculum through the semester credit system in improving the quality of education. The research approach using qualitative methods. The technique of data collection was participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is 1) the data analysis of a single case, 2) the analysis of cross-site. The research results show that: the Planning competency standards done with meet the criteria graduation graduation criteria subjects and each semester and education unit in the meeting of the board the teacher set. The implementation of the competency standards do with the criteria for graduation students in accordance with the provisions applicable in the madrasah.&nbsp; Supervision competency standards of graduates conducted on each end of the semester include the presence of students, educators, until the results of the evaluation.&nbsp; &nbsp